Borrowing power calculator

How much can I (or we) borrow?

Borrowing power calculator

Wondering how much you’d be able to borrow? Use the calculator below to get a rough idea. Remember this is an estimate only. With more info about your income or expenses, this could be significantly more or less.
Borrowing Power Calculator

Loan details

The loan is for
The property is
Enter the before tax total
Enter the before tax total
Enter the before tax total


  • Monthly repayment on credit card limit is 3%.
  • APRA buffer that banks use to assess the serviceability of home loans is 3%.
  • The estimated remaining income is based on your income with no tax minimisation; no consideration has been made for other debts/repayments not captured in this form. Your financial situation may vary significantly.
  • New monthly expenses only cover existing living expenses, existing loan/estimated credit card repayments and estimated new loan monthly payments.
  • New loan repayments are P&I based on the rate and timeframe you have selected.

Financial analysis


This is 20%. Avoids LMI.





So, you know what you can borrow. Now it's time to find a suitable loan.

We can search through over 2,500 different home loan options and help find the right loan for your individual needs. Plus, our experts will negotiate on your behalf to get you the best deal possible.

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